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Tuesday 27 September 2016

We All Want Consciousness from Others so why not be Conscious Ourselves! – (1142)


We certainly want others to be conscious! This is because we all somehow know that being conscious is when we are at our best or give our best.

We are at our best when we are conscious, because we are all present. What we have of essence is all concentrated and engaged in the task at hand, and only the best can come out of that.

We Want our Doctor, our Mechanic, our Friends, our Family, our Spouse etc. to be Conscious

We want our doctor to be perceptive and alert during our consultation. We want him or her to notice and pick up the unseen and know exactly how to heal us.

We want our mechanic to pin point the exact fault and prevent any future faults. We want our mechanic to the best job by paying the utmost attention to detail (no distractions) while servicing our car.

We want our lawyer to know that we can win the case.

We want all the drivers on the road to see us and know that we are driving by and be careful.

We want our friends and spouses to know what is wrong with us without us having to say anything.

We want our family members to attend to the needs of the household without being told and we want others to look after themselves without us needing to help them.

We want others not to suffer, and for them not to suffer means for them to be conscious.

After these Observations

After these observations I come to the conclusion that we want others to be conscious and we easily forget to apply that to ourselves. I think that must be reordered or rebalanced, because we have the knowledge and comprehension that being conscious is best and that is the way we should all be. So why not apply this to ourselves and we ourselves live it and include ourselves into this comprehension? In other words, make it our job! Demand it from ourselves more than ever.

You know consciousness is a value, if we demand it we must be prepared to give it. We can't just take and take or demand and demand and not give. Life does not work that way.
End (1142).

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