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Wednesday 14 September 2016

The Constant Carer in us is our Divinity – (1110)


With this realisation we drop to our knees, cry and work sincerely hard to help our interior Divinity to return with gratitude their care for us.

This realisation takes us to recognise that there exists in our Divinity a fount of love! Holy moly as bereft as we sometimes feel there exists in us, in us can you believe it a fount of love! I can’t hardly believe it but it is true.

What I want to do with this post is direct our attention towards it in a real and concrete way so that we can know it. Maybe you have experienced it already and just a little pointer may break something open for you leading to a wonderful and marvellous realisation.

Our Divine Mother

I want to tell you a little true and honest story. Real stuff, real people and real happenings.

I heard someone telling me that the Divine Mother can actually help a person through his wife or mother at times. Not all the time but at times. I thought when I heard that “ok, makes sense – maybe true why not”.

Master Samael also says that over the many centuries through all of our different bodies there has been someone there feeding us, caring for us, loving us, looking after us and behind that love and care has been our very own Divine Mother, loving and caring for us from the beginning all through the centuries.

Even she goes with us to the abyss when it is time and she in order to help us, polarises herself negatively to become the kundabuffer that works to help us move through the process of involution.

So a particular lady in our life may be there loving and caring for us and then that lady may disappear from our life and that love and care is taken over by another and yet another when that person withdraws from our life, and all the time it is our Divine Mother inspiring and moving that care and love.

Where Does the Love and care Come From?

We ask ourselves then, where is really all of that care coming from? Is it our dharma, our merits, our capital the result of loving and caring for others or is it our divine Mother?

Obviously when we have capital our Divine Mother can act to help us more freely and when we lack capital her help is there but it may not be so effective because the Law blocks it and it may not be felt so intensely.

But that source of love and care for us, for our health, for our well-being for our spiritual work is there always and ultimately originates in our inner Divinity, that is, from our Divine Mother. She is the more caring of the parts of our Being. The Father is more aloof but She is different master Samael tells us.

Concluding Point

That tangible love and care that comes to you in this world through others has its origin in your interior Divinity and is prompts others who may be willing and have the same love for us to be concerned for us and care for us.

We sometimes only look for the power of our interior Divinity in force, a strong voice, a strong presence, power to command, power to triumph etc. etc. but this care is a great power of our interior Divinity. To make this love and care descend into the physical world and move through the physical world so to help us and others is a great power.

End (1110).

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