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Wednesday 14 September 2016

Third Logos Excerpts – V.M Samael Aun Weor – (1111)


I thought that what I would do with these series of posts is put together a collection of excerpts from Master Samael’s book Tarot and Kabbalah about the Third Logos. This is so that you can have a collection of important and interesting excerpts all close together or in one spot.

In Practice

From a very practical point of view, sometimes we need to concentrate on our Third Logos so that we can get a special kind of help that comes from the Third Logos.

These posts I hope will give us an idea of the help that we can ask for and a way to know more at least intellectually about who and what our Third Logos is.

When we need light, when we need comprehension, when we need healing, when we need purity and chastity our Third Logos is the bearer of this help.

End (1111).

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