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Wednesday 14 September 2016

Third Logos Excerpts – The Question of Who – (1112)


The following excerpts from V.M Samael Aun Weor come from his book “Tarot and Kabbalah”. I find that they are very effective at giving us a ‘feel’ for who the Third Logos is. If you know of some other excerpts, feel to add them into the Comments section at the bottom of this post (when opened in a separate window).

Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of God.

Hail Sacred Swan

"Hail sacred swan! Miraculous Hamsa. Hail Phoenix bird of paradise! Hail immortal Ibis! Dove of the Grail, creative energy of the Third Logos!" - Gnostic Ritual

Sephirotic Crown

“The Sephirotic Crown is formed by Kether, Chokmah and Binah. There is a need to comprehend the foundation of these three Sephiroth

The Father, First Logos, Kether, Wisdom
The Son, Second Logos, Chokmah, Love
The Holy Spirit, Third Logos, Binah, Power, Igneous Flaming Principle.”


“Binah is the Holy Spirit; He is the Third Logos, the Lord Shiva of the Hindus, who manifests himself as sexual potency within everything which is, has been, and will be.
The Holy Spirit is the sexual force we see within the pistils of flowers, which expresses itself through the creative organs of all living species. The Holy Spirit is a marvellous force without which the universe could not exist.
The Kabbalists place the distinct Sephiroth of the Hebraic Kabbalah in the worlds. For example, they say that the Ancient of Days is a point from infinite space, and as a symbol, he is eternal. Chokmah is governed by the zodiac, this is true. They say that Binah is governed by Saturn; here we arrive at a point of disagreement. I do not want to say that the Holy Spirit is not governed by Saturn, that there is no relationship between them; indeed, a relationship exists between them. But this is not all, because without a doubt the world of Jupiter is in a certain way related with Binah; this is because Binah, the Holy Spirit, has powers, a throne, and washes the waters of life.
Kether, Chokmah, and Binah, who are the Crown of Life and the resplendent Dragon of Wisdom, emanated from the super-divine atom, from the Ain Soph.
When the cosmic night arrives, the resplendent Dragon of Wisdom will be absorbed within the Ain Soph... Behold here, the trinity being absorbed within the unity! Behold here the Holy Four, the Tetragrammaton of the Kabbalists!
The trinity—the perfect triad, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—plus the unity of life, is the Holy Four, the Four Eternal Carpenters, the Four Horns of the Altar, the Four Winds of the Sea, the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton, whose mantric word is הוהי Iod, Hei, Vav, Hei, the remarkable name of the Eternal One."


The Third Logos Master Samael says is a force upon which the universe depends. The Third Logos comes from the Absolute and the Third Logos washes the waters of life, which is very interesting for us in creation on the planet Earth in a human body needing to dissolve the ego.

End (1112).

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