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Thursday 15 September 2016

Third Logos Excerpts – Third Logos and Atomic Science – (1116)


Here Master Samael says some extraordinary things, saying the Third Logos works with four fundamental elements which are oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon.

He says that it is an electronic force or of the same nature as the electrons and most importantly the energy of the Third Logos expresses itself through our sexual organs and our larynx because these are organs of creation.

Help to understand the egos!

Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen

“The human being is a universe in miniature. The infinitely small is analogous to the infinitely great.
Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are the four basic elements with which the Third Logos works. The chemical elements are displaced in accordance to their atomic weight. Hydrogen is the lightest, with an atomic weight of 1, and the last one being uranium, with an atomic weight of 238.5, which becomes, as a fact, the heaviest of all the known elements.

Electrons come to constitute a bridge between Spirit and matter. The hydrogen is the most rarefied element that is known; it is the first manifestation of the serpent. Every element, every nourishment, every organism, is synthesized in a determined type of hydrogen. The sexual energy corresponds to Hydrogen 12 and its musical note is SI.

The electronic solar matter is the sacred fire of Kundalini. We enter onto the path of authentic initiation when we liberate this energy.

The energy of the Third Logos is expressed through the sexual organs and through the creative larynx. These are the two instruments through which the powerful energy of the Third Logos flows.
The sacred serpent awakens when one is working with the Arcanum A.Z.F.; the ascending flux of the creative energy of the Third Logos is a living fire. This Pentecostal fire rises up along the medullar canal, opening centres and awakening miraculous powers.”

End (1116).

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