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Thursday 15 September 2016

Third Logos Excerpts – Third Logos in the Human Being – (1117)


Descending now down into us, Master Samael explains where the Third Logos is in us and what the Third Logos is in us. Master Samael says that the Third Logos in us is our Divine Mother and She is also the Kundalini fire. Note, left side of the brain, sexual organs and larynx.

Third Logos in Us

“It would be worthless to renounce sex, without having previously worked and built the solar bodies, reaching the Second Birth.  Only thus is this renunciation worthy.  In the beginning, there is a need to work with the Third Logos, in the terrible Forge of the Cyclops, then afterwards, to work with the Second Logos, Hercules, and subsequently, with the First Logos. The error of monks and nuns is to renounce sex without having built the solar bodies. Thus, they are found in limbo, dressed with rags. There is a need to dress in wedding attire in order to enter into the kingdom of Heaven.

She is the Mother Kundalini. She marries her husband in the pineal gland. The Third Logos, the Holy Spirit, the eternal spouse, is who begets the Divine Mother Kundalini, the root of the Monad, the Mother Space.

The Holy Spirit is the Third Logos, or Vulcan of Greek mythology. He is the Tibetan- Mahachoan. Kundalini develops, evolves and progresses within the aura of the Mahachoan. Thus, in the pineal gland is where the sacred Tattwa of Shiva Shakti intensely vibrates, meaning where the Divine Mother Kundalini and the Third Logos vibrates,(tattwa is the vibration of the ether).

The crown formed by an aspid, the thermuthis, belongs to Isis, our particular and individual Divine Mother Kundalini. Each one of us has their own Divine Mother within.

The serpent as a feminine Deity within each one of us is the spouse of the Holy Spirit. She is our Virgin Mother crying at the foot of the sexual cross, with her heart pierced by seven daggers.

The Kundalini is the sacred Fire of the Holy Spirit. It is the Pentecostal Fire. It is the igneous serpent of our magical powers.

The Holy Spirit is the Divine Mother in us.”

In Our Physical Body

“Sephirotic Location Within the Physical Body
Kether:               Crown
Chockmah:         Right side of the brain
Binah:                Left side of the brain
Chesed:              Right arm
Geburah:           Left arm
Tiphereth:          Heart
Netzach:            Right leg
Hod:                  Left leg
Jesod;                Sexual organs
Malcuth:            Feet
These are the points of contact of the Sephiroth with the physical body. The Sephiroth are atomic, they are atoms of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, they are atoms of a spiritual nature which belong to occult esoteric and spiritual chemistry.”

Sins Against the Third Logos

Master Samael says that the sins against the Third Logos are suicide and loss of the sexual energy. Why because they are directly related to life within us. Of course to end our life prematurely by our own hand is against the principle of life that we have and to lose the sexual energy which is pure life within us, is also against the Third Logos who is the creator and provide r of life in us.

I would also say that these practices or acts of self-harm or self-torture would also fall under eh category of sins against he Third Logos but to a minor degree.

End (1117).

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