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Tuesday 11 October 2016

About Music in our Psychology and in Esotericism - (1181)


Music is certainly a part of life. It has been that way for all the time that has passed on the Earth, and is very much so now, and will continue to be…

So much music has been written and many dedicate their lives to making it. Rare it is, that one passes through the day not hearing it from within one’s own head or from outside one’s head.

Every country has its music and every era and epoch has it’s characteristic music, yet it is a kind of universal language that everyone can understand.

We may ignore music all together yet it is still there, and will continue to be there. It is part of the sound that gave rise to creation. As everything moves and vibrates everything makes a sound and if there is sound there is music. Music we may say is the intelligent organization of sound.

Music – An Organization of Sound

A Cosmic Principle

A cosmic principle in creation sounds and makes music, creation itself sounds and makes music. As creation is organised, its sounds organise themselves into music, that is, into a certain symphony.

Our Psyche

When one’s thoughts become organised according to one’s will, music issues forth from one’s psyche, making the chapters and events of our life into a song.

Army and War

When an army marches, sound then music issues, though the latter not always perceived physically but internally. The purpose, the will and concentrated focus of an army issue forth the symphony of a ‘march’. A battle even makes music, though dissonant, violent and scary, with the undertones of the force destiny designed by the Divine Law.

This teaching from my marvellous missionary is wonderful: “when a war is in preparation it is in the hands of men, as soon as the war begins it is moved into the hands of the Gods”.

An Exodus and the Times

An exodus issues forth a symphony, these times of the end are vibrating and producing a particular unique symphony, that orchestrates and narrates the movement of humanity towards the fate that has been assigned to them, which some Gods and men are trying hard to delay.

Master Samael says that the causal world is the world of music where the music of the spheres is heard. The music of life can be heard naturally resounding in the internal worlds and sometimes composers capture this and write it down for men to hear.

A Real Presence

Once again as with everything that is real and has a real place in life and creation, such as life, such as death, such as force, such as wisdom, such as medicine, such as law, such as art etc. We must relate to all of these things as we are also part of creation. We can not escape from them, we will come across them and need them at one point in life and this applies to music.

Relating to Music

How do we relate to music? As always we can relate to it consciously or in a way that our egos sabotage, hijack or divert the relationship.

Music and Emotion

Music is mostly experienced with our emotional centre. Depending on the music it can touch our inferior or superior emotional centres. It can be so powerful sometimes that it can touch our superior emotional centre, sending our mind into spontaneous silence allowing the light of the consciousness for a few seconds to burst forth, bringing sparks of insight and intense emotion.

Music essentially speaks to us of the result or of what is being done. It can express so beautifully the emotions of glory, of love, heroism, danger, triumph, happiness, despair, sadness, the welling and rising of hope and so much more.

Many of the songs that people write, are all about emotions and that is why music lends itself to words so easily. The words that accompany music often evoke the same emotions as the musical passages that are played behind them.

Music inspires and lifts one’s psychology, that is, if one does not identify with it and not fall into fantasy.

Music and Fantasy

When listening to music we can often begin fantasising. We begin to feel the emotion of the music and that triggers certain emotions that we identify with. That particular identification wishes to take the emotions that the music generates within us into ourselves and feel those emotions for ourselves through the images of others that we have in our mind. It is basically self-love fantasizing creating scenarios where the glory, triumph, drama, emotion being expressed in the music is all for and about us. Though in the fantasy, it is others feeling that for us, but in reality it us us wanting to feel that for ourselves, and thanks to that identification with music we do.

This is not the right way to listen to music. The way is to listen without identification. Then we are listening to music and not listening to ourselves or our fantasy that always has the same theme.

Right Way

Listen with alertness and channel the energy that music evokes in us into our consciousness. Listen and see the reality of what is being expressed. So much of the modern music is really about unbecoming things.

I can’t understand how a Gnostic student can listen to rap music, it is often about real inferior emotions.

We make the mistake of wishing the glory expressed in music for ourselves when it is not due yet and has not been supported by our facts.

Music is real when it accompanies real facts of any human being.

End (1181).

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