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Tuesday 11 October 2016

The Experience of Replacing the Ego with the Work is So Necessary! - (1182)

Replacing the Ego

When we apply the work and we act with the work or with our essence and we solve the situation that is the most powerful message and teaching that we can give to ourselves and others.

Persephone (essence) rescued from Hades and the underworld (our subconscious) by
Hermes (wisdom) to be reunited with her mother Demeter.


Because it shows how the ego is not needed and we can do the same and better in a better way.

Doing this once puts a crack in the hypnotic grip of the ego. Doing it twice widens the crack and doing it more and more smashes the hypnotic grip and doing it even more cements the understanding in us that the functioning of that conditioned essence is not necessary and can be discarded (like junk emails) and continuing to do it makes the trapped essence to give up that function and then comes the natural and easy elimination of the conditioning by the Divine Mother.

End (1182).

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