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Monday 31 October 2016

At Some Point the Being Can Use the Ego for Some Particular Purposes - (1235)


This is such a spiny subject, mainly because people can grab it and then use it to justify their indulgence in the ego.

The interesting thing about this topic is that the Being or our Being only uses takes this approach when we are asleep, and it is only afterwards that we realise what has happened. So if we think and feel that our Being is using an ego in us for some reason, good you we are still asleep or partly asleep in that area.

Sure Sign that it was the Being

The only real way to know that it was our Being using an ego is when a positive result for the Being or for our work comes out of it. It may start with an ego but it gets transformed.

Why Use an Ego

Because perhaps the Being does not have enough space in us as yet to move us directly.

He has a strategy and he may for example may strengthen and use and ego in us to make efforts to create a space and time in our life for that activity. Then He will slowly implant eh idea of using that space and time for something spiritual. Or he could use an ego for us to learn a particular lesson (tricky business though).


A person can start writing initially as an attempt to make money and when that fails one day the person can have the thought of writing posts or articles related to Gnosis and the Gnostic work. Then in such a case a person can start to feel more and more like writing about the Gnostic work and very soon the idea of writing for money drops off completely.

People practice the Alchemy in the beginning with some egos at work but later that is all transformed and those egos go to the way side.

Many people could have started Gnosis because of curiosity or because of the ego related to magical ambition or maybe because of mystical pride, to be better than the average person.


If the Being uses something of an ego in us, it is for a purpose to produce a result that will benefit Him and us, but more Him as He is the boss!

As you can see this only really happens when we are new to the work or do not have enough work to be able to perceive and act on the impulses, ideas, motivations, plans etc. of our Being.

End (1235).

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