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Monday 31 October 2016

We are NOT Serious with Mystical Death Because We Don’t Perceive the Danger - (1236)


One reason why we are not serious with the work of the dissolution of the ego is because we don’t perceive the dangers involved. True with some egos there are no real dangers but with some others, there are!

Basically when we think or believe that indulging in the ego is ok for us, we are not going to work seriously on it. We have our reasons of course why we think it is good for us, and one of them may be: “it doesn’t matter”, or “I’ll dissolve it later”, or “everyone else does it and they are all fine”, “I’ll be fine, I’ll recover no worries” etc.

One scary guy!

Big Picture Dangers


The overall big picture danger is Involution!

Because we don’t know or havn’t perceived how painful that is we flirt with the work of the dissolution of the ego. To have had experiences with the abyss is enough of a motivation for us to work hard so as to not end up there.


The other big picture danger is falling. Imagine how painful that is. We may be able to perceive that pain and it is intense... The higher one is, the more intense is that pain of course.

Small Picture Dangers

Too Many

There are so many of these. They range from reprimands, rifts, arguments, broken relationships, being expelled, getting fired, getting sick, being sick, dying, crying, pain of the body, suffering, regret, sorrow, humiliation, depression you name it, it goes on.


It is sometimes good to remember the dangers involved and get a little shock and then jump back in line.

End (1236).

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