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Monday 3 October 2016

Chastity - (1156)

Values – A State of Consciousness

Chastity from the Gnostic point of view, is a value or a state of consciousness.

A value or state of consciousness means a comprehensive and deep understanding of how ‘something’ functions and the wisdom on how that ‘something’ can be wisely used.

The nature of the understanding mentioned above, is first internal then external, where the internal is about how this ‘something’ is part of one’s inner Being.


When it comes to chastity that ‘something’ referred to above is sexuality and sexual energy. When it comes to anger that ‘something’ is force and when it comes to pride that ‘something’ is balance, dignity and majesty etc.

Understanding in Chastity

The understanding in chastity is that each human being has a special source of life energy that is extraordinarily powerful and whose function is to create.

Chastity understands that this energy is part of one’s Being and needs to be related to. It knows both ways (white and black) of relating to it. It is the result of the contrast of these two ways.

It knows that energy flows and needs to be directed and channelled. It is the appreciation of the value of this energy, and it is the knowledge of the conservation and wise application of this energy.

It knows that this energy can be fused within and there is an ascension, a triumph, a new octave, different to the known and lamentable crash of the possession of a sensation that has a high price.

Only the fool would burn a bag of money, a white magician would use the money for good, and a black magician would use the money for evil. In both ways that money is purposefully used according to the nature of the user, and only an ignorant and foolish person would waste it. The person without chastity wastes their energy, because one is ignorant of it. A chaste person is not ignorant.


The wise and loving relationship with this energy is the value of sexuality. Where sexuality is a way of loving one’s inner Being with the sexual energy. Of course, of course if one has love inside for the Being then that love will extend outwards to one’s Alchemical spouse.

Loving others is only complete when one loves their own Being. Loving others without loving one’s own Being is incomplete. Love for one’s Being exudes love for others as well. You can only give what you have. If you have love for others you can love the Being in you, and if you love the Being in you, you will love others.

End (1156).

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