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Monday 3 October 2016

The Question of Sexual Satisfaction - (1157)


I have had some questions about this and so here is a reply that I hope will set these questions all clear.

Satisfaction – Multi Faceted

Satisfaction can have many different meanings and can be seen from different angles and on different levels. One can see it from a physical, biological, psychological and spiritual view point.

To do with Energy

The whole question has to do with energy. If all or a large proportion of the sexual energy is moved and channelled then satisfaction, is present.

It is a very natural and biological function of the sexual centre. Just as is the sexual pleasure. The sexual pleasure is the result of the sexual energy being active and present in the sexual centre.

We could say that sexual pleasure is a natural or biological consequence of the sexual energy being active and present in the sexual centre and sexual satisfaction is a natural biological consequence of the sexual energy being moved.

Energy Moved

A person who loses the energy, at their level (which is very rough and instinctive) of understanding of the sexuality and sexual energy is satisfied, they often don’t know why, their biology answers that for them.

If the person who transmutes, moves all of their energy inward and upwards, will feel satisfaction as well but of a different quality that is complete, because it will encompass the psychological (essence) and the spiritual (Being).

Not Leaving the Old to Adapt to the New

The problem can be that people approach Alchemy with the old understanding (rough, instinctive, very physical) and view point, and hence this confusion or question of this post.


If one is having difficulty grappling with that of not being somehow satisfied, one has to transmute more, dedicate to really moving the sexual energy present tint he sexual centre.

If it takes an hour or two of prana yama, or HAM-SAH so be it! If that is not effective enough, then investigate vajroli mudra (don’t ask me about it ask your missionary – Master Samael talked about it in the “Lamasery Exercises”).

That is much better than letting the common ways of our society’s miseducation or the ways of the egos within us syphon off that energy, wasting it miserably.

End (1157).

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