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Friday 7 October 2016

Do You Know the Hypnotic Grip of Your Egos? - (1175)


Knowing the hypnotic grip of our egos means comprehension of that ego. After knowing the hypnotic grip, the back bone of that ego has been more or less broken.


Comprehension is demonstrated in action or with facts.

While we are under the hypnotic grip of the ego we are in constant danger of identification, and demonstrating comprehension with facts is near impossible or too difficult.

The hypnotic grip tricks us into accepting, embracing and identifying with the ego. The hypnotic grip makes us buy into that ego. That is its unique role!

After the hypnotic grip leaves us we feel deceived and disappointed and angry at ourselves, because we said what we didn’t want to say and we did what we didn’t want to do. We went against all of our own best advice and principles.

The hypnotic grip makes things seem real and therefore compels us to identification, which is to fascinatingly think about the issue or desire and try to then get some answer or solution or conclusion.

Theseus, son of Poseidon, ventures into the maze of the subconscious to fulfill the quest of  slaying the Minotaur  - the myself.

One Hypnotic Grip

If for example there is a rift in a relationship, the hypnotic grip would have us believe and think “that it is broken and so it needs repairing”. They way we go about repairing it is using the ego of self-love, as one of self-love's function is precisely this. Then naturally our will ask the other party for an explanation of their behaviour towards us. We feel by virtue of this hypnotic grip to clarify, to defend and justify and make ourselves look innocent and the better party.

Hypnotic Grip is Logic

The most beguiling element for a human being is logic. The hypnotic grip is a reason or a conjunct of several reasons or a certain logic that is very powerful - very persuasive. A logic that we must obey, it is that powerful.

That is why Medusa has the snakes on her head indicating that the snakes ("I's") have their power, which
is the hypnotic power of Medusa in the mind, in logic! The Kundabuffer supplies the hypnotic power of the
ego, and this hypnotic power manifests in logic.

Find Exactly what the Hypnotic Grip Is

What about if we find exactly what the hypnotic grip is and we ‘question the hell out of it’ and then not believe in it!

I guarantee to you that that will be a ‘game changer’ for us and a ‘show stopper’ for the ego that we are working on!

End (1175).

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