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Friday 7 October 2016

Liberating Pain – Point 4 - (1174)

Point 4 – Pain is About the Loss of a Value

Pain arises in us when a value in us is lost.

When we know that pain is created from inside of us we don't create resentment. This is because we can't create resentment against ourselves, we after all created our pain and not the other person.

This is the first step for us to liberate pain because when we do that we liberate others from those karmic debts that we have with them. We release them from the karmic debt with us and we clear our karmic debts.

Magnetic Connection Between Others

Pain is a magnetic connection between people and when we liberate pain we release them.

We can actually liberate ourselves then from the mind of others and we liberate others from our own mind, which is more important!

The only way to liberate pain is to cancel karmic debts.

Liberate Ourselves and Liberate Others as Well

When we liberate our pain we liberate others from our mind and we are free and the magnetic connection is cut. That secret subconscious connection has been freed.

Then we can get free from the subconscious, and that is the source of the karma and the karmic connection.

There is a psychology of receiving and giving pain. We have a particular psychology when we dish out pain; we only see our freedom to dish out suffering and we say "why are you suffering, I am only telling you the truth". We don’t see that he other person may suffer.


We only see one dimension and not theirs and but only ours. We need to put ourselves in their shoes and invert the "I".

We think that we have all the right to dish out all that we want and you have the duty to stand it all and then you have to treat me nicely at the end of it!

We are asleep because we hit others and then ask them to feel well.

There is also that suffering and complaining against God. When for example we suffer something tragic or traumatic we exclaim and protest against God.

End (1174).

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