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Monday 24 October 2016

Essence: Development - (1213)


This is quite important information for us to know about, because this is the path of development of our own essence. Our own essence will follow this path of development, so it is the future of our own essence in the work on ourselves. If we stop working in mystical death and in the three factors we will stop this line of development.

Stage of Development

The essence in us passes through three stages of development which are: simple essence, seminal pearl and golden embryo (bodhicitta).

The golden embryo is the maximum level of development of our essence. However, it is worth noting at this stage that the golden embryo at the time of the completion of the fifth major initiation when the human soul of the Being (the Master within) is incarnated that golden embryo joins or fuses with the human soul. 

Each of these three stages are described below.

Simple Essence

This is the essence that we have naturally that comes from the human soul and is a derivation of a virginal spark or Monad. It is the same as an elemental Master Samael says, though in us it is enclosed in a human body that possesses three brains, and by virtue of these three brains, which are receptacles for the three primary forces of the cosmos we can create our own interior universe – thus an essence in a human body can become self-realised (has created an inner organisation for the Inner Being to fill).

If we ask ourselves what work on myself could I do if I didn’t have the three brains, there isn’t much. We need the three brains to die in ourselves and to practice the Alchemy and to help humanity.

Seminal Pearl

The seminal pearl is a fabrication. Meaning it is something that is created voluntarily. It does not appear by itself. We decide to work on ourselves and the results of that produce slowly the fabrication of the seminal pearl.

The seminal pearl begins to form when we begin to dissolve the ego and liberate particles of essence trapped in the ego. Each particle of essence liberated from the ego goes to form the seminal pearl and once it is formed adds to the seminal pearl until it later becomes the golden embryo.

The seminal pearl can represent 15 to 20% of the total amount of essence that we have freed and awakened. Maybe less. Even.

Golden Embryo

The golden embryo is the seminal pearl with more percentages of liberated essence added to it. The golden embryo is also the result of the crystallisation of the forces and energies liberated from the practice of the Alchemy.  

The golden embryo usually appears within the initiate in the fourth or fifth initiation of fire or major mysteries.

Once the golden embryo is formed it is ready to later fuse with the human soul when it is incarnated.
The golden embryo is a powerful body of fortified and awakened essence, and it alone has the power to stand any ego and displace the real heavy egos that we have. The simple essence does not have this capacity.


We have to put ourselves to task to create the seminal pearl and find out how it is going.

End (1213).

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