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Tuesday 25 October 2016

The Essence Likes Cleaning Toilets - (1214)


This is a strange post, with a strange title. The purpose is just to give an example of how the essence in any human being can manifest and can transform an aspect of our life, if not our whole life.

While Cleaning a Toilet Brush

One day at work in the men’s toilets, after deciding to clean a toilet brush that was in quite an unclean state, I had the thought: “that is what I do, I do the same” then I felt an interesting thing, I started to feel one with them – my co-workers whom many I don’t know. Then suddenly I became more aware of the human condition, the way body works, how I was human like everyone else, and I began to feel like a unity with my co-workers and with people extending past the building in which I was in.

Seeing a toilet in dreams or going to the toilet is a good sign, it means eliminating waste, transformation.

A Gratitude

I noticed a kind of gratitude appearing and suddenly it felt like an honour to be there cleaning that toilet brush, it was if it was like to honour the gift of human life given to us by the creator, by the Divine Law and by our Divine Mother.

Feelings of Pride Gone

The usual feelings of pride that think and feel others are strange, weird, dirtier, messier, only care for themselves, Chinese and indifferent, Indian and exploitive, Aussie and great mate, feeling better – only what is of my world is worthier, better etc. all fell away and there was none of that egoic background thought and judgement.

From that moment my attitude towards cleaning toilets, especially messed up toilets changed. I feel that it is a way to honour the gift that we have been given and when I clean a toilet, it is a way to feel one with you all, not more or less. Not more because one feels that one has more virtue, more humility than the snobs who scoff at this kind of work and not less because it is lower type of work.


See how your essence can transform your life and make you feel plenitude doing the worst jobs, and how natural and normal the essence is. 

End (1214).

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