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Monday 31 October 2016

Our Inner Morpheus, God of Dreams - (1237)


Wow! We have our own inner Morpheus!

It seems that within us, we have our own particular Mt Olympus or Roman Pantheon.

All the archetypal Gods of the mythologies that were portrayed to dwell in the outer inverse also dwell within us in our interior universe.

Greek Mythology

So the Greek Morpheus, not the dude from the Matrix movies, is the son of Hypnos, the Greek God of Sleep.

Morpheus’ main role was to help people by bringing the messages of the Gods to people while they slept. He was said to have wings so that he could travel between the Gods and human beings acting as a kind of messenger.

It was also said that he had many siblings, where each sibling was responsible for provoking a specific kind of dream in human beings.

It was also said that he could take on the form of any human being in a dream. Just as his name suggests “morph” meaning form. Morpheus it is said would take on particular forms and walk within the dreams of human beings and deliver the answers of the Gods. Which is actually a very important function, because it is a way that human beings can receive Divine help and every human being needs divine help.

“In the arms of Morpheus” is a common expression saying that one is sleeping soundly and beautifully. Also the drug morphine derives its name from Morpheus.

Within Us

Our interior Morpheus then is a messenger for our Being and the other parts of our Being. His function is to deliver the messages of our Being to us in our dreams.

Master Samael says that many times the Masters and the Divinities want to help us and they do so through dreams and for sure our inner Morpheus may play a role in this.

Master Samael says that our inner Morpheus plays an important function is practice of the discipline of dream yoga whose final aim is the dominion of our dreams to such a degree that we may provoke them, control them and even wake up out of them.


Why not work with this beautiful part of ourselves before going to sleep, asking that He work for us delivering the messages from our inner Being about a certain issue that we may want an answer to.

When we wake up inspired, motivated and with new ideas, perhaps this is the work of Morpheus, having delivered certain messages to our consciousness from our inner Being, Divine Mother or other parts.

End (1237).

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