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Friday 28 October 2016

Investigation and Affirming the Value, Virtue - (1225)


We may often because it is easier just focus on affirming the value opposite to the ego. This is good and helps enormously!

Draw Up the Courage to Investigate!

However, we can consciously ignore the investigation because it hurts. But if we can gather the courage and investigate we can find out why the ego is not trusting or not transmuting or not loving or not sharing etc., or in general terms, why the ego is not co-operating with the value. We can find its reasons as to why it does not want to co-operate with the virtue.

Valuable Reward

This is powerful and precious knowledge and helps us to affirm the virtue or value more effectively. This knowledge adds to our power of affirming the virtue or value of the Being that acts as an antidote to this ego.

End (1225).

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