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Friday 28 October 2016

Why do we Have Fear? - (1224)

Basically Because

Basically because there is a part in us that does not want to believe in what the conscious parts of us are saying. The conscious parts in us know that there is little chance of something going wrong and if it does we can handle it, but the essence trapped in the ego of fear distrusts the messages from the conscious parts!

Fear Drops When

The fear drops completely when the trapped essence in fear understands the message from the conscious parts of ourselves.

The trapped essence in fear is like a person or a child that really speaks out inside of us and says things in a sincerely worried way such as: “really, unexpectedly things go wrong, there is always the possibility of things going wrong, they have before, I am worried”.

The essence trapped in the bottle of fear is the one that distrusts.

Fear Distrusts

It feels this way because of its past karma. Because things have gone wrong unexpectedly, the worst has happened, things were looking good then the unbelievable happened. We often say: “it would be luck for it to turn out bad”.

Because of all these things that have happened in the past, that part of the essence trapped in the ego of fear distrusts intensely!

Conscious Parts to Overwhelm the Fear

We need to use our conscious parts to trust in the Being and overwhelm the trapped essence that distrusts. So that it is evident to every part of us that the trapped essence is wrong in distrusting.

The trapped essence’s best chance really is in trusting the Being. It doesn’t know that but it has to realise it, in order for it to unbottle itself.


Where karma has its power is when it takes away our trust and this makes fear stronger than us and this causes us to suffer. Fear is an agent of our own karma.

End (1224).

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