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Thursday 6 October 2016

Logical Confrontation of the Being - (1167)


Master Samael especially in his book “Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology” mentioned “the logical confrontation of the Being”. For me that was very difficult to know exactly what was meant by that term. This post gives a version of what the “logical confrontation of the Being” could mean.

Logical Confrontation

In a confrontation there are always two parties, two sides or two factors, always. If not there can be no confrontation.

In the case of the ‘logical confrontation of the Being” there is the confrontation of the Being and the ego or the mind. That much is clear and easy to see.

Though what of the ego confronts the what of the Being. Maybe it is their two natures, most likely it is. What their two natures manifest are many things, and it is these many things that we can latch onto and confront.

The most powerful of these many things that can be confronted are the two logics. That is the logic of the ego and the superior logic of the Being, which is an expression of the Being’s principles.

Two Logics Confront

When we know the logic of any ego we can take it to confront the logic of the Being related to the area in which that ego moves within. For example, if the ego is lust we must confront he logic of lust with the superior logic of the Being in relation to sexuality. If it is anger, we must confront the logic of anger with superior logic of force as used by the Being.

Points of Logical Confrontation

How would the Being use sexuality? How would the Being use force? How would the Being manage dignity, majesty and balance? This we can confront against the way the ego uses these things.

The Being’s way is from within, self-contained, from within through Himself, with Himself, by Himself and in Himself.

How would the Being using his principles solve the issue of this ego within ourselves? Knowing that everything is contained within Him and the external is a reflection of the internal.

End (1167).

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