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Thursday 6 October 2016

The Feeling of Being Desperate for Money - (1166)


I am not writing this for anyone, or giving anyone a message. This comes straight out of a discovery I made recently within myself.

The Feeling of Desperation and Compulsion is Karma

When we are desperate for money because we need it for our necessities and to pay the bills, and the only thing that we can do is to get out there, stick out our neck and jump at any and every opportunity to make money, we are in this situation because we have wasted the money that we had before miserably and now that feeling of desperation and the need to go against one’s will getting out there at all odds to find it, is the karma.

Special Feeling

That special feeling is the feeling that this karmic debt puts into us.

It is the feeling of the karma for having wasted money on fleeting pleasures, on meaningless things, if we have given money to others in the past this helps to ease the karma, but this karma is not for having not given or having been mean with money, it is for having wasted miserably the money we had or earnt in the past. When we can earn our daily living comfortably, securely and in a relaxed steady way we don’t have this karma or either, it is not so strong.

End (1166).

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