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Wednesday 5 October 2016

Motor Centre Unbalanced - (1165)


At times our motor centre can become very agitated. There could be reasons for this. It could be the mind or the nervous system.

Flow within Human Machine

The human machine always works according to this flow:

Intellectual centre to emotional centre to motor centre.

In others words the body follows the mind.

So if our motor centre is very agitated and restless then there could well be something within the mind that is contributing to this.

When we are nervous, worried, stressed, tense, upset, angry, tired for example it is quite common that our motor centre will be agitated. A nervous person very rarely sits still, with his or her body loose, flexible.

A good place to start is to look into the mind to see what is going on there. If it is the mind that is the cause one will definitely find thoughts or a thought process or a reasoning or thinking process, that is about disquietude. A lack of acceptance, a protest, a strong desire, an argument, a mistake, a justification, a worry, a unsolved problem, fateful projections, painful memories, fear etc.


·         If it proves difficult to dislodge the thoughts in the mind that are producing this agitation in the motor centre, we can help ourselves by applying the following remedies.

·         Lie down and make a voluntary and concerted effort to relax each part of your body using slow rhythmic breathing to assist you. Feel that with each out breath the body part you are focusing on relaxing unwinds its tension.

·         Lie down, relax and chant a mantra with much concentration diving deep into the sound of the mantra.  The mantra OM is very effective as it focusses the attention on the heart and brings peace. GATE GATE PARA-GATE PARA-SAM-GATE BODHI SWAHA is also very good as well.

·         One can do some standard harmonious exercises (walking, running, aerobic type of movements) to syphon off this energy that has been moved into the motor centre.

·         One can do an exercise of transmutation (HAM SAH), where after a while the moving and channelling of the sexual energy will begin to bring the other energies into the same line and cause them to also be channelled.

·         One can also do a Rune such as the Rune FA which is great at channelling energies and bringing them all into line.


I think the in-depth focussing and voluntary relaxing is a very good start to get an agitated motor centre brought into line.

End (1165).

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