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Thursday 6 October 2016

Pain and its Characteristics - (1173)


Pain lacks co-operation, it is selfish, it is only about oneself or itself.

The admirable thing is to go to help those who have no relation to us! Pain is always concerned with our immediate area of influence.

Pain remains supreme and occupies our whole human machine and drags the whole scenario into that pain.

Pain wants commiseration from others! We even pray with pain. Pain is morbid that wants attention and importance. Pain as we see it, is a sign of maturity of being an adult. We feel distinguished, special and ‘of age’ in our pain.

We say you don't understand! People never quite understand our pain.

A Branch of Pride

Pain is a branch of pride, it belongs to pride. Observe that most of our pain comes to us due to pride.

Pain as Foundation

Everything can become painful. This is because karma is the cause of this creation or planet. Pain is the foundation of this creation. It is the karma of the gods and we were impregnated with this pain from the beginning. Pain created this planet. To be outcast from the Absolute is pain, to have 97% of sleeping consciousness is pain.

When the Lemurians lost their consciousness that was pain. The path gives us hope and that is the antidote to pain!

The path is of the psychology of happiness. The way out has a be superior than pain. We have to see that life is difficult for every human being. Life it fought with pain, it is our foundation!

Factors that Perceive Pain

The nature of the Being is happiness.

The first step is to eliminate the factors that perceive pain!

Wise Use of our Values Avoids Pain

We need the wise use of the values and the wise placement of them. This is important because misplacing our values leads to pain.

We need to learn when and where to place our trust. What happens when we misuse and misplace our values is that we end up being disappointed and in pain, most of the time. Like for example we place all of our trust and love in an irredeemable criminal, for sure we are going o be in pain soon.

The conscious use of our values avoids that pain! Just like our physical money. We have our esoteric values and cosmic capital that we must use wisely, if we don't get painful results. The same with our faculties.

Pain is all about values. So we can ask our Being to help us use our values. That is to illuminate us about how to best use our values.

End (1173).

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