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Wednesday 26 October 2016

Reference Point in Sexology - (1217)

Everything Relates

Good relationships between ourselves and something else are what bring us good results.
So then, in relation to sexuality, it is the same, we should relate well to our own sexual energy and to the value of sexuality. These are the two fundamental factors to do with that question or conundrum of sex.

Sexual Energy

Sexual energy is our raw sexual energy that accumulates and can be transmuted. This energy is behind many natural impulses and is the key ingredient of sexuality. It takes us to examine sexuality.


Sexuality on the simplest level is our level of understanding in regards to our sexual conduct with another human being of the opposite sex.

The Problem of the Egos of Sexuality

Sexuality has its certain principles or laws. For example, it is our cosmic duty to transmute our sexual energy!

The psychological processes of these egos of sexuality (lust etc.) can certainly interfere with the recognition or awareness of the rules and laws governing sexuality.

Lust basically in relation to the sexual energy attempts to direct it. Lust does the opposite of transmutation, it channels the sexual energy out and this of course will reflect clearly in one's sexuality.

The egos of sexuality actually colour most of our sexual behaviour, and condition the way we relate to our sexual energy. These egos of sexuality are psychological and from this stage they try to manage sexual energy and our sexuality.

The key for defeating lust lies in the channelling of the sexual energy into the consciousness and the Being and using sexuality for the enhancement of the inner Being.

The value of chastity is transmutation. Chastity as you may hear about in Gnosis is transmutation. It is not abstinence but rather the wise use of the sexual energy and sexuality whose core and fundamental ingredient is transmutation.

Reference Point

Reference points are all so important in life and in our psychology. If we don’t have a reference point when reading a map or while orienteering etc. we are lost and we remain lost. The same thing with our psychology if we don’t give ourselves a reference we get lost.

The problem is that lust has a reference point, and so our job is to change and anchor that reference point to do with the sexual energy and sexuality in our inner Being. Normally the reference point is on outside issues, others, forms, concepts, ideas, fashions etc. Basically though, we have to relate directly to our sexual energy and not relate to it through others, which is what having a reference point outside of ourselves does to us.

We have to depend on ourselves, and relate to our sexual energy and sexuality through our Being. We are going back to the Being alone, we are going to die alone and so we can't see or focus our relationship to our sexual energy and sexuality through others or anything outside of ourselves.

End (1217).

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