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Tuesday 25 October 2016

48 Laws in the Microcosmos (Man in the Physical World) - (1216)


This list of 48 Laws come from a book in Spanish written by Oscar Uzcategui, V.M Kwen Khan, titled “El Hombre las Leyes y el Absoluto” or “Man, Laws and the Absolute”.

Master Samael to the best of my knowledge didn’t leave us with a specific list of the 48 laws that govern the order of creation known as the Microcosmos or 'man' (human being).

These 48 laws are said to govern the Microcosmos, that is these 48 laws are present within the human being and they are also the laws that govern human beings here in the physical world on our beloved planet Earth. 

In other worlds these laws are both inside and outside of human beings. That is why it was written at the temple to the Oracle of Delphi: "Oh man know thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods."
This list I think is a good one and an interesting one. Being honest, many of the entries make sense according to my knowledge (limited) of the Gnostic doctrine and there a few (2 or 3) that to my knowledge and understanding are a little: “perhaps yes, perhaps no, don’t know”.
Anyhow, here is the English translation of the 48 laws mentioned in this book, see the photos that follow after the list.
1.            Law of Universal Emanation
2.            Law of Expansion, Law of Triamazikamno or Law of Three
3.            Law of the Holy Heptaparaparshinokh or Law of Seven
4.            Law of Karma
5.            Law of Katancia
6.            Law of Return
7.            Law of Recurrence
8.            Law of Reincarnation
9.            Law of Universal Magnetism
10.          Law of Matrices (womb or gestation)
11.          Law of Falling
12.          Law of the Gunas
13.          Law of Evolution and Involution
14.          Planetary Laws
15.          Laws of the Zodiac
16.          Law of Solioonensius
17.          Law of Entropy
18.          Law of Epigenesis
19.          Law of Musical Octaves
20.          Law of Universal Harmony
21.          Law of the Four Elements
22.          Law of Atomic Bodies
23.          Law of the Four Kayas
24.          Law of the Infinites
25.          Law of Affinities
26.          Law of Reabsorption
27.          Law of the Pendulum
28.          Law of Universal Vibration
29.          Law of Leviathan
30.          Law of Destiny
31.          Law of Detachment
32.          Law of the Cosmic Common Trogoautoegocrat
33.          Law of Great Arcanum
34.          Law of Natural Selection
35.          Law of Concatenation
36.          Law of Relativity
37.          Law of the Tranquil Heart
38.          Law of Free Will
39.          Law of Sublimation or Spiritual Refinement
40.          Law of Cosmic Responsibilities
41.          Law of the Sacrifice of Pain
42.          Law of Humiliation
43.          Law of Silence
44.          Law of Metamorphosis
45.          Law of Super Efforts
46.          Law of the Solar Logos
47.          Law of Lunar Influences
48.          Law of Interpenetration


You can copy and paste this list straight out of this page if you like.
End (1216).


  1. Well, to me they all make some sense. Could you please share the name of the book or from where can one buy this. It seems like interesting and valuable information for transforming oneself. Oscar Uzcategui has written another book el hombre absoluto which is available online. This book I have not been able to find. Could you please tell us from where you got this?

    1. hey prabhdeep, i'm a member of oscar uzctegui's associoation for gnostic teachings at their center in new delhi... you can order this book through an online source ... or you can get in touch with me and i can arrange for you many of his books and also Samae aun Weor's books that are available through order at their centres... Hope this helped:)

    2. Are these books in English? I would be interested. Many thanks

  2. Thank you for posting this! I've been looking for this info!
