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Monday 17 October 2016

Sometimes a Super Effort on Our Part Helps to Punch Through - (1195)


For special reasons we need super efforts. They are not needed all the time but there are times when we need them. Super efforts are like catapults allowing us to cross over a river where there is no bridge.

When are they Needed?

You know you need a super effort when what you are doing is not working or not working enough and you have already tried as many different things as you can think of.

When you have exhausted all techniques, all angle of understanding, all investigation, all prayers, all avenues of help then it is time for a super effort.

The lead up to super efforts is usually quite natural and logical.

Punch Through

A super effort can help us for example to punch through to the next level of mystical death. When the words enough enough enough are resounding in our head and you have been working with mystical death but have gotten so far and you are not moving forward it is time to super effort it!

A super effort is to go longer and harder. Pray harder, KRIM longer and harder. Go deeper within yourself, look deeper, enforce what you have already understood with more force and grit. Practice more and be like a laser beam, highly focussed and all out dedicated to illuminate yourself and burn away the ego causing the suffering.

End (1195).

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