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Monday 17 October 2016

Cornered! Options are Escape with Major Scandal or Suffer – Then Accept Mystical Death - (1194)

Enough! Enough! Enough!

Maybe these are the words resounding in your head! Some times in our life we get cornered. We suffer for some reason or reasons and naturally we want it to change. We see a way out, though that would mean a major upheaval. Maybe a scandal, most likely a shock to everyone and maybe short term discomfort or long term discomfort. Then your back to suffering again… But you are cornered and there are those words echoing in your head again: enough enough enough! This is when you know you only have one option and it is: radical mystical death!

This post is about that.

The Three Options - Decide One

Basically when we are cornered these are our three options: escape with major scandal, stay and suffer or stay and radically die in ourselves. The first step to improve the situation and bring a bit of peace to ourselves, is to decide for one of the three options.

I would recommend the last option which is to die radically. Though bear in mind there are times when things go beyond a line of reasonable decency and respect and a combination of the first and third options are best, that is physically leave and die mystically. Also bear in mind, by itself, radical death brings changes in our interior and by the laws of cause and effect, correspondence and affinity (also epigensis) comes a change in physical circumstances.

If we chose to escape, make sure you are going to be better off or profit by it. Don’t escape to be worse off or buried deeper than you are now. If you are not going to be better off forget it!

Accept Mystical Death

If you chose radical mystical death, first of all congratulations, you have chosen the way that is going to bring you the best. Accepting it means that you are going to have to renounce to the cause of your suffering. It means that, that belief or that ideal, or that concept, or philosophy, or right, or wrong, or ‘that which you always believed, valued, thought, wanted, yearned for, longed for etc.’ has to be renounced to. Even the suffering of accepting a life without that has to be renounced to. Can you accept that? Bear in mind that accepting that means to gain something. This always holds, renounce something to gain something else.

To accept mystical death means to get what reality – life gives to you and be happy with that, and this is what ends our suffering. The role of mystical death in action is to dissolve in us what does not what to accept that reality and what does not love or is not happy with reality.

Renouncing is the first step after accepting mystical death and then the next step after that is investigation, which is there to help us dissolve what is discontent with reality. Investigation shows us what we want is not real anyway because what is real is slapping us in the face right now! What we really want from our essence is what is real! Because our essence only knows the real, it is the real.


Investigation is like a contrast. You see very honestly and sincerely what you want, what you expect, what you yearn for, what you believe you need and then you go and contrast these things against what life – reality is giving you or showing you.

If you look at reality hard it will show you the right things, the right balance of things, the right place of things, the right set up of things, the right organisation of things. Our suffering is that we want more or less than what is there is reality.

Master Samael said "truth is not from nature", and nature is reality, and truth always sets us free.

For example, we want to belong, our contrast with reality will show us that we can belong to a certain degree, but we can’t belong as much as we want, because we don’t have the real foundation behind us to belong more. Meaning the elements that would allow us to belong more are not in our nature.

We may feel like a victim, like the one who is worse off while the other is better off, like one who has been hard done by, like the one who has been taken advantage of, like the one who is disregarded, like the one who is ignored except when we are useful for something, like the one who is disliked, like the black sheep. We have to investigate these identities which is who we end up identifying with and becoming. If we really investigate them we will see that they are not as true as we think. I assure you, it is not as bad as you are thinking that it is!

End (1194).

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