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Thursday 13 October 2016

Summary of a Practical Psychological Relationship with Music - (1192)


We can summarise a psychological relationship with music in the following practical terms.

When Listening

When listening to music, listen in a state of alertness, observing the effect the music has on our mind and emotions. Be ever watchful to not fall into emotionally charged fantasy. Observe the energy and emotions being evoked and transform that energy into something positive such as intensified focus to lead to inspiration, or into action or into deep interiorization looking for the Being within if the music is of that quality.

After I started doing this, I stopped listening to a lot of music, because I became aware that it was really of no help. This realisation only came once I became aware.

Making Music

As with every relationship there are two poles, there is reciprocity or give and take. When we are listening we are receiving and so there has to be the giving pole too. We find the giving pole in relation to music when we will, think, feel, act and of course vocalise mantras. The more harmonious, balanced and conscious our will, thinking, feeling and acting - the better the music we make out of our life. We have to make the music of our life to match the tomes of the music that issues from the spheres. When we use our will positively we are generating a triumphant chorus. In summary then, make music with conscious action.

End (1192).

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