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Thursday 13 October 2016

Love and Pain - (1193)


This statement from my marvellous missionary, “pain comes from the loss of a value” can be used to help us understand a lot about our pain.

It creates an opening within us, through which we can see the value that has been lost and therefore the cause of the pain.

Case of Love Lost

In this very typical case when another stops loving us or loves us less, we feel pain. We feel pain because we perceive the loss of this love. It may also be true that the person does not love us anymore or loves us less and they may even honestly say that…

Having not gone deeper into inquiry, it seems from all angles that this is the cause, the other loves us less or not at all and so they are the cause of our pain. This makes fertile ground for resentment and as soon as we blame the other in our mind the seed of resentment has been sown and the pain deepens, and he ugly thorny weed of resentment grows.

Real Cause of the Pain

However, this is not the real cause of our pain. If we go deeper within that opening, we will find a feeling that feels: “that we have lost something, that a piece of our Being it almost feels, has been dissolved, and that the love we have within us has been lost”. We feel less, we even feel like we are in mourning; that we are grieving over the loss of the love within us.

The Perception

So it is the perception (our perception, not theirs) that our love has been lost that is causing the pain.! Now, we must ask how can this perception be true? I ask how can another enter our Being and take away a part of it? How can it be done? If we earnestly try to answer this, we will discover that it can only be done by us (How can a person get into your Being? Do you know how? Have you ever done it to another? We don’t know how, none of us know how! If we think we did, it was them that did it on themselves! It can't be one!). But it really feels like it has been done, and it has in some way by ourselves and the way it is (that apparently taking away a piece of our Being) done by us is that we ignore a reality within us, and we then believe this ignorance to be true.

What We Forget

In this case of the perceived loss of love within us, we forget that we are love, that our Being is love and that love can not be lost! It is always there, though buried by our ignorance of not realising this.

It makes sense that we don’t realise this, that we are love, because we think we have done so many bad things in life and that we don’t deserve to be love or that we are not love or can not be love, because otherwise we would be kinder and more loving etc. and we are not. The major one though, is the thought the we have always seen love as “when you love me I love you” and “when I extend my love you reply” etc. We have always seen love as being evoked from outside from having received love or having it returned. But he truth is that it dwells within, it dwells in our Being and springs from there. It is our ignorance of this that is the big problem!

Realise and Evoke the Love from Within

What we need to do is to practice evoking that love from within. To teach ourselves that it is really something that lives inside of us and is part of our Being!

See all the things that you love, the people, the animals, the plants, the elements, the activities, the good things that you have done for others and yourself. The good things that you do are all manifestations or proofs of that love. The way you kindly spoke to someone etc., a kind smile or gesture are all valid. If you find it hard to see these things look deeper and further into your present and past, or start giving some small things to people, start with a smile and see show yourself there is love within you.

Evoke your natural love, become aware of it, make yourself to realise that we have it, it is there and we are that, and so then we may ask ourselves “Where then is the loss?”. We are complete. We were complete before we met the person, during and after, we are complete in our Being now and so love will come to us again. That is very important to realise that you are complete, nothing has been lost within you. Go out there and love in this new dignified way!

Inner Love

Believe in the love that you have realised that comes from within, because it is the true one, it is the one that is there after we have been insulted or is the one that makes us to bounce back into the relationship after we have been insulted, offended, hurt, let down, rejected etc. This is love that the Christ spoke of when he said “turn the other cheek” and it is the love which Master Samael teaches that to crystallise the Second Logos (The Christic force) we need to be able to transform the negative impressions of others by taking their negative manifestations with joy. This is the love that we all want and it is the love that frees. The ignorance of love living within our Being enslaves, attaches and disempowers.

End (1193).

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