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Friday 28 October 2016

The Egos Subdue the Parts of the Being - (1223)


Our egos affect our isolated and autonomous parts of our Being. They are autonomous and isolated but not that much, because the egos that we have limit them, block them, control them, subdue them etc. In general, our egos prevent them from acting freely.

Certain Egos for Certain Parts of the Being

Certain egos in us subdue certain parts of our Being. For example, the egos of violence and anger subdue the parts of the Being related to tranquillity, sweetness, intelligence etc. The egos of lust subdue the part of the Being related to chastity which is transmutation etc. The egos of Pride subdue the parts of the Being related to humility, co-operation etc.

Need to be Free so to Exercise their Function Correctly

These parts of the Being really need to be free so that they can exercise their function freely and correctly. While they are being subdued they exercise their function incorrectly and conditionally.

End (1223).

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