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Wednesday 26 October 2016

The Inverse Bucket List - (1219)

Bucket List

There is the well known bucket list, which is a list of all the things you want to do in life before you ‘kick the bucket’ (die physically).

The Inverse Bucket List

The inverse bucket list is everything that you need to do to not stay alive psychologically (die psychologically).

The work is like the inverse of many values and reference points in normal human psychology!

Write your Inverse Bucket List

For me it has been very helpful to write an inverse bucket list. Because if you don’t have a plan it is harder to focus your efforts and time, and life is basically about time and effort. So a plan helps to focus your life.


An inverse bucket list is a list of all that you need to do to die psychologically and of course it will change from week to week, month to month or year to year as we work. It is a dynamic list which is the inverse to the normal bucket list which is rather static.

No List = Weak Punch!

I think anyone who is really working on themselves has this kind of inverse bucket list going on in their mind. If we don’t have a semblance of an inverse bucket list we are sort of like dreaming, bit directionless, bit distracted, bit vague, bit lack lustre in hitting the ego – a bit of a weak punch etc.

End (1219).

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