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Wednesday 26 October 2016

What You Want from Life You Can Get Now with the Work! - (1220)

Come on! Tell Me What You Want from Life!

What you want is happiness, contentment, fulfilment, success, be in control, money (you don’t want money really – you want the values it buys, such as: security), be erudite, be respected, be loved, be appreciated, etc. Right? That is what people more or less want from life, and that is why they go head first into life right?

Come on! Have you Ever Thought that is what the work Gives You?

The work gives you all of these things right now. These things ins a much superior octave are alive right now in your essence.

Real joy is of the essence and is the real superior octave to pleasure!

In Time or Out of Time

Life gives you those things in time, but the work gives you those things permanently!

To get success in life you have to work and work etc. and in time you get it! Then old age comes and you are too tired to enjoy it or even remember what you felt it meant.

Once you get these things with the work they stay with you as part of your inner Being! You can get them now as I said before!


Knowing or understanding this point helps us to define for the Being in us and for the road to our Being which is the work.

What really feels these things of happiness, contentment, joy, triumph etc. is the essence and in the work one’s essence is going to develop and so it is so logical that we are going to feel these things more intensely than ever in our life.

How I ask, are we going to feel these things from our essence in life, if in the pursuit of the things of life we never cultivate the essence?

End (1220).

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