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Sunday 6 November 2016

Come On, Come On! Try Hard to Overcome Resentment - (1254)

Do it for Ourselves!

If only for ourselves even out within ourselves the resentment that we feel!

Some people may say: "I don't care about myself, I just don't like that person and what they did, oh come on what's wrong with them, how could they do that .... etc.". Well I have a reason for you to work on resentment, read on...

The Good News!

The good news is, that if you even out one resentment within you, you know how to do it for the rest!

There is a science to it, and we need to possess that science and master it. Why?

Because for a while, there will always be resentments forming within us while we have those various "I's" of Pride alive in us. Dissolving Pride is no easy or quick task, it takes years, maybe only near the end of the second mountain is it dissolved.

So in short, while Pride is there, the potential for resentment is ever present. And resentment feels awful, plus what's worse it that it breeds fear and hatred!

Overcoming resentment is so important that it is mentioned in the "Our Father" the supreme formula that reveals to us the best ways to relate to our inner Divine Father.

Resentment Due to a Debt

Resentment is due exclusively to a debt. When we are resentful our inner scale is precisely unbalanced towards the unfair done towards us.

Here we must focus. Trying to even out that imbalance within ourselves.

We have to be concrete and know what was it that caused the unbalance. We may have been expecting a better treatment or some kind of consideration, some kind of concession or lenience. What didn't agree with us?

We have to be demanding with our mind and get an answer from it. If we can't get an answer, there is no reason for us to feel resentful is there but we still feel resentful! To feel resentment against someone we need to be have a reason. We can't let our mind deceive us, we can't let our mind say there is no real reason yet we feel resentful!

There is a reason, and as soon as you find it, write it down. Sometimes there is a reason but we see it too petty or silly within ourselves and so we dismiss it. But it is the real reason! Forget thinking that you are strong or mature or whatever, just see what there is inside you and write it down.

Got the Reason - Proceed

With your reason, take it and get into it and ask yourself, how unfair is it really? Am I that hurt? Really be sincere go deep into the reason and the situation. Am I expecting something that I am not giving? Isn't unfair?

We may find it unfair to us, but what about them, is it fair or unfair to them?

See the good side of it. Make yourself see it by making yourself to write down three good things about it. If we don't write it down our mind tricks us by distracting us and glossing over it superficially and we don't get any benefit from the practice and we waste our time.

Balance it Out

The way to balance it out really definitely is to see that it was good for you! That it was good for you physically, psychologically and esoterically.

When you honestly see it being good for you the debt is cancelled within you and you have transformed it completely and in so doing this you have transformed a part of yourself and you have acquired now the practical science and knowledge of being able to even out within you your resentments. This is a precious skill.


We may be so resentful that a person had the gaul, the guts, the boldness, the disregard, the disrespect etc. to go against our expectations, our control, our beautiful self-image, and disregard the beautiful sincere efforts that we have made and offered and trample all over it.

So then with this reason, we would really question all these things being expressed here. Was our wish to control fair? Is our self-image as a beautiful respect commanding person really real? Are we that in reality? Did they really have disrespect or disregard? Was it more self-interest instead of disrespect? Have we really made sincere efforts, are we that clean, pure, sincere and dear? Isn't all of this giving us the chance to break free from this false self-image, these unreal expectations, this unfair control etc. We may feel they unjustly dislike us, is that true though? Maybe we are disrespectful to ourselves replaying the event over and over again in our head.

We may have that hardness in our heart, but is that how really our essence feels. Does our Being feel like that? Don't know, well time to go in and find out!

To think kindly about the person, and to think of the benefits of being kind to them, in terms of how it will benefit them and ourselves, also helps. Resentment is ill will, very strict and very unforgiving in its perspective and thinking towards another person. The most stupidest mistake we make when we are resentful is to think that somehow we are helping the other person with our resentment or that they like it or that they will now see us in some sort of favourable light.

Forgive, Ask the Divine Mother then Forget 

It is really important to pardon the debt within ourselves. We have to work the resentment and the ego behind it and then pardon.

You know I don't like seeing anyone getting hit (mainly verbally) by another, but it happens and we see it all the time. What is worse is when there is resentment. It is really the resentment that does the damage later on. It wasn't really the words or the hit but it was the  resentment and all that develops out of it that causes the falling out, the split, the break down and transforms friends into enemies.

After pardoning we need the help of the Divine Mother to dissolve those bottles that we broke when working on that resentment. This way it gets weaker and maybe so weak we don't feel it anymore and if it happens again we won't get resentful, or very lightly resentful, that a short practice neatly puts it away.

When we free yourselves from resentment you also free the other person. They are half free, all that they  have to do is to dissolve their debt if they have one and the karma between both parties is cancelled.

Because resentment uses memory, it is based on memory we must forget and approach each event with those people or person, with fresh, clean new eyes. don't approach based on the past. Learn from the past not to make the same mistake but don't add that dimension of victim, of hurt, of being owed into your interactions with them.


People really can trust Gnosis, because Gnosis says go for it all until there is nothing left! That is why Gnosis is trust worthy, it wishes to produce men and women with hearts of pure clear crystal.

None of us want to die physically with resentment, in our heart. We are leaving the things of this Earth, what do we need resentment up there for? It doesn't make sense to have resentment! We are all going to die one day, why not start liberating our resentments while we can, so that when it comes to die it will be a beautiful death.

So even out one resentment within then go for the rest - all of them!
End (1254).

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