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Sunday 6 November 2016

Once Clean DON'T Let a Sliver in! - (1253)

Once you have really tried hard and have managed to beat the ego off. Because it is still alive, it will return. That is the law - the law of return. 

The best advice I can give in relation to that, is to not open the door even slightly for it to come back in. As soon as it does, it will enter with great momentum, and the work to stop it and undo the newly generated effects of it having back in the human machine, is much more difficult, arduous and riskier than just gritting your teeth, feeling the pain and discomfort temporarily, and not letting it in when it was knocking on the door and it was a lot weaker!

Don't even do this when you know the ego well and what it can do to you and your life! Keep that door very well shut!

It is always easier to keep the door closed to an intruder, than let one in and have to throw him or her out.

End (1253).

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