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Tuesday 15 November 2016

Hatred Creates Connections - (1284)


Hatred is a strong force, just as strong as love. In many ways it is the opposite of love. It shares of the same qualities but polarised in the opposite way.

This is easy to see, when we hate someone we are always thinking about them and when we love someone we are doing the same only positively. When we hate and love we approach and interact with intensity. When we love and hate we both use our intelligence, one to help and the other to hurt. Both use memory and both involve eh sentiments. With hatred the sentiments have been hurt and with love the sentiments have been enhanced There are many similarities just polarized in the opposite way.

Connections of Hatred are Just as Strong as the Connections of Love

Love binds and connects. So does hatred. When we hate someone we are actually connecting to them and we actually do end up creating connections to them.

To feel free with people, hating is certainly not the right way to go. Neither is rejection. As long as we reject or hate someone we are tied to them and we are certainly not free?

As soon as they walk in the front door we have to walk away. We have to be always watching out for them so to avoid them. To run away is certainly not the way, especially if it is in your own house.
What is ironic, is that rejection and hatred actually create like a link with the person and that link brings the person to you constantly. So there you go, more food for thought to help finish off with hatred and rejection.

There was an event with Master Samael where he was giving a talk and a lady came up to him and hugged him. He just stood there like a post and then when the lady was removed he resume his lecture as if nothing had happened. He didn’t reject her neither did he accept her.

If people tell you to avoid certain people they are not doing you such a favour. Because you may end up creating rejection based on their words and then as soon as you do that you are in a trap and you will spend a lot of your time being stressed trying to avoid people. Not a way to enjoy an event, especially a retreat.

Conclusion: To Be Free Don’t Hate or Reject

The best is to not hate or reject people, because it hurts us and them and we are never going to be free.

We may not see a person anymore, but as long as we hate them we are still connected to them, astrally, mentally and maybe even causally. We don’t distance ourselves from people by hating them. The connections of hatred are just as strong as the ones of love.

End (1284).

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