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Wednesday 16 November 2016

Transmutation Causes Like a Fusion with the Sexual Centre and Sexual Energy - (1285)


Whenever there are two things, that is duality, there can be conflict and if there is conflict there is suffering.

When a person has lust in their human machine there is a lot of duality. There is the duality in: desire and its fulfilment, intellectual centre and sexual centre, past and present, present and future, etc. When one has lust in their human machine their sexual centre has become a problem for them, and every problem is duality. Every problem has two poles and is sustained as long as there continue to be two poles.


Transmutation is something that unifies these two opposites, it actually draws us into unity with our sexual centre, sexual energy and sexuality.

It draws the sexual energy into our whole system so that it and we, can join or unify with us and us with it. It also draws our sexual centre closer to us, it allows us to integrate it into our whole system, because with lust the sexual centre becomes a rogue centre, a kind of runaway centre. People do silly things because they lose control over their sexual centre and it leads them. Transmutation prevents this.

Transmutation heals any schism that we have within us in relation to sexual energy and sexuality. If we have some kind of rejection to do with sex, some kind of nonacceptance, the force of that rejection actually comes against us in the form of a push into the opposite, which is to stumble into what we reject.

End (1285).

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