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Tuesday 1 November 2016

Control Freak Cats – Make them Work for You! - (1239)


On many occasions I am getting ready to go to work and the household cat comes along and meows and meows, brushes up against my feet when I want to walk and jumps up on my computer keyboard when I just want to type a few things and copy a few files before work, and then it wants to go outside and meanwhile I’m getting late and feeling a little anxious. I imagine the situation, where my boss asks me why are you late and I say “the cat”, and he says “What!”.

Controlling They Are

Cats can be a bit controlling, in some households, just having a cat or cats and the condition in which the cat or cats are in, controls in some ways the movements of the people living there.

We are the ones with three brains and they are the ones with two. Three is greater than two, because we have three brains we have the cosmic duty of working for the realisation of the divinity within, and because a cat has only two brains a cat has to wait until it has three brains. So that is the hierarchy here, three brains at the top of the pyramid and two brains below.

So a cat by nature, by the natural order of things has to co-operate with us, because we have a grand cosmic task to fulfil. I imagine that such a cat that co-operates with our work earns some kind of capital. A cat that does not hinder us is a good start, and a cat that helps is even better. 

The Magician’s Cat

In all the myths, legends and tales of magicians, even in the case of Master Samael you see that if any of these magicians had a cat they would talk to the cat and the cat worked for them, giving advice, protection, and some sort of help in their magical operations, quests and adventures.

Master Samael said once that a small black cat they he had took him with his physical body into a state of Jinas and he said even though it was a physically a small cat, in the astral it was a giant elemental.

The cat or cats that we have in our house are the same – powerful.

What’s Going on Here - Give a Cat a Job!

We, I think can easily have an unbalanced relationship with a cat. We work for them, clean up after them, feed them, brush them, stroke them, give them affection and give them a sheltered place to sleep and they don’t do anything for us.

I think that they can do something for us in return for what we give them. And if they do they get I imagine some sort of dharma. So giving them a job helps them out as well.

Talk to it

Being Gnostics and knowing about elementals and doing the esoteric work we can talk to them and ask them to help us out in return for the favours that we give them.

One such favour could be to ask them to protect the house astrally and even physically. Another could be to wake us up early in the morning so that we can practice, perhaps come to us in the astral and talk to us and show us things about nature, or even take us into the astral. There are probably many things that they could do for us if we think about it.

Make a deal. I think it is only fair!

End (1239).

1 comment:

  1. Anybody who tries to have "A Good Relation with their Cat" will indeed achieve that good relationship, Magicians, Occultists, some Gnostics, and some Wiccans, all hope to gain assistance. Your fine article gives an excellent plan anybody can use.
