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Tuesday 1 November 2016

Ego of Alcohol is a Branch of Gluttony and Pride - (1240)

Introduction – Alcohol Unfortunately an Area of Life

Alcohol unfortunately is an area that is very present in life. It has had a place in life for thousands of years and will continue to have. And  once again we are forced to awaken to this area of life.

Alcohol has ruined the lives of many individuals and many families. It has also ruined many peoples, such as the Australian aborigines and even the North American Indians. This is all because they did not know how to relate correctly with this area of life that they were introduced to and forced to relate to.

Each one of us has to wake up to this area of life and come to the conscious conclusion of the conscious and correct way of relating to this area.

I hope this post will be useful to this end.

A Study – Two Salient Aspects

If we study the ego of alcohol, we will discover that it is a branch of gluttony and pride. This is because there are two very salient elements to do with this ego.

These two elements are: excess and escape.

The excess element belongs to gluttony and the escape element belongs to pride.


A person would not get drunk if they were to only drink one glass. Depending on their constitution, with one glass they would not normally break into excess.

The nature of the ego of alcohol is however not at all pleased with such a thing – one glass. It goes for more – several glasses.

Alcohol does not really taste all that nice however for a strange reason people drink glass after glass of it for the only reason being the reason of the gluttony aspect of that ego.

I once saw a person who was visibly drunk vomiting all the red wine he had drunk. When I saw that, I understood that he had gone to an excess.

He had broken the balance of his own body, he had consumed so much red wine that his body could not transform all of it and so his body had no other resort then to expel it.

Obviously he was not feeling well and it was quite embarrassing, and it is at this point that many people say “never again” but they always repeat the same especially if they have that ego of alcohol.


In general, the function and role of gluttony in life is to take maximum or at least good advantage of the things in life. Because we are based in the senses we tend to take advantage of things to do with the senses and our physicality.

The ego of gluttony takes advantage of the abundance available, gluttony suffers when having to give up all these advantages and opportunities.


The other element of the ego of alcohol is escape. Looking at this aspect, we see that after a certain number of glasses one forgets one’s problems, one’s unhappiness and one’s weaknesses, one’s inadequacies and one’s fears etc.

Because we don't like what is happening in our life, because we can't accept it and come to terms with it, and because we can’t be happy and we want to be, so we turn to something that will do just that for us at any time that we want. And alcohol can do just that for us in a very quick and socially acceptable manner. It though comes with a very hefty price. Everything costs a price, even happiness has a price (false happiness through alcohol or drugs costs us dear price of degeneration and true happiness costs us the price of psychological and esoteric work). 

We want to be happy or escape the ill feelings the easy way, without having to focus on them and resolve or dissolve them. The latter option is apparently more painful. It though is more rewarding and definitely a final or if not, a long term remedy to our problems. There are many other things to turn to, to help but if the ego of alcohol has been created it makes a brilliant suggestion – “control your happiness, be happy anytime you want – drink!”. In short, the ego of alcohol is not about taking responsibility for one’s own ill feelings, unhappiness, sadness etc.


It is quite evident that the ego of alcohol is one that is devoid of responsibility. Irresponsible in relation to the health of the body, irresponsible in relation to one’s behaviour and irresponsible in relation to one’s personal safety. When one is drunk one is not in a state to be able to be responsible, and this, the ego likes a lot, because whatever it does, it can be excused. It is about escaping responsibility and the ego likes to do this a lot, because responsibility to the ego is a huge ugly burden, that it often jumps at the chance or any chance to shed for a while.

So to conclude now, if we can get rid that gluttony and that unhappiness, the ego of alcohol would be without a function, and it would be facing practical redundancy, then starvation and death would soon follow.

Esoteric Effects

From our Gnostic studies we know that alcohol corresponds to an ether or an etheric class of substance, and it corresponds to the work of the vital or etheric body to help transform or digest it. This we say in Gnosis is very taxing work for the vital body and weakens the vital body. That is why the people who drink look way older than their age.

Master Samael says it affects one’s brain producing a kind of crystallisation in the brain that is a substance like ground up smashed glass that actually harms the brain.

It has a very good ability to connect us to our subconscious and the abyss of nature.

How Much Does a Gnostic Drink Then?

A good Gnostic would not drink any alcohol. If it is up to the Gnostic themselves, by themselves they would not drink alcohol.

However, due to situations involving other people where alcohol is present so as to not unnecessarily offend or cause a storm that would take a long time to mend or undo or wash over, one according to one’s own consciousness one may drink a little. Such as for a toast at a wedding for example. A few sips and that’s it.

For sure such a thing, a few sips would not take you to hell. It is having the ego very well developed, strong and dense that takes you there. A few sips I think would not connect you to the abyss.

Now days, one can easily say straight out, “sorry I don’t drink” and everyone respects that. So it is not really a problem anymore.

Esoteric Limits

I have heard that three gulps is an esoteric initiatic limit imposed upon masters and initiates when it comes to drinking alcohol.

The physical law is much more lenient when it comes to drinking and driving, however the physical law and the laws of the path are different.


I think that I will conclude this post with the sad case of George Best, the champion English soccer player who lead Manchester United to several premiership wins.

George Best drank so much that his liver needed transplanting. He ended up getting a liver transplant and he didn’t stop drinking. If he would have only drank one glass of wine a day he would still be alive, but he drank many glasses of wine, in fact he drank wine starting from when the pub opened until it closed at night.

He actually started drinking after his mother's death. It was his way of coping with the loss. One of the more important causes of the ego of alcohol lies in not being able to face ourselves, or wanting to escape and distract ourselves.

Such behaviour I honestly think belongs to the abyss. Harsh to say, but impartially looking at the nature of such behaviour, it is so obvious to see that it is destructive, illogical and against life, and that is what the abyss is for. To house all that is destructive, irredeemable, against life and proudly illogical The third Dantean circle of the abyss of the Earth is the place Dante would say where such egos dwell.

End (1240).

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