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Thursday 10 November 2016

Even Into Our Cells - (1269)


This is something all-encompassing and complete!

The fullest and most complete manifestation of a value our Being is when that value of the Being impregnates the very cells of our own physical body, here in the physical world.

For me that is full manifestation. It can not go any further can it? Master Samael said during one talk my marvellous missionary said, that: ”even the physical body must become soul”.

Diagram of a human cell.

Our Cells Have Consciousness

Master Samael says that every atom is a trio of matter, consciousness and energy. And so the atoms in our cells have the consciousness to assimilate the values of the Being and process themselves in accordance with those values.

Imagine that, we would have nothing to worry about, if all of our cells have the awareness and understanding of how to process the values of the Being, then we would permanently act in accordance with the values of the Being.


So we have to procure that our comprehension of the various values of our Being impregnate our very own cells. How can we do that?

With the help of our Divinity and the atomic Gods within our body that work under the command of our inner Divinity, and by our constant repetitive exercising of the values.

There has to be other ways as well... I'm sure.

End (1269).

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