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Wednesday 9 November 2016

About Fantasy and Imagination - (1268)


Here are notes from a talk that my marvellous missionary gave on fantasy and imagination. Top stuff! This was an excellent lecture.


Fantasy is about creating scenarios. It is anything that is outside the frame of reality in our current environment.

Imagination involves the participation of the essence!

Fantasy uses emotional, intellectual and sexual energies to make the fantasy appear real.

We have desire and fantasy on one side and imagination and will on the other side.

Top Point Right Here!

Imagination is used as a faculty to see to learn or to know about something by seeing. When we use fantasy we don't want to see anything we are seeing already.

With imagination we want to see. With fantasy we are not wanting to see, we are wanting ‘to be' or ‘to have’ or rather actually convince ourselves that 'we are' or 'we have'. With imagination ‘we are’ already because it is the essence ‘that is’ and it is the essence that is using the faculty of imagination.

Imagination and Will

When we use imagination the aspect of will is in there in action as the will to want to see and to know. The imagination aspect is there waiting and seeing.

Fantasies of Lust

The fantasies of lust are based on: "what could happen with that person". If we stick to reality this base statement crumbles, because we know "nothing will happen" with that person.

Fantasy is Mechanical

Fantasy is mechanical. People can not imitate others without fantasy. Fantasy is the agent of imitation, we want in our fantasy to be like that person or have what he/she has.

Fantasy is the projection or focus of our light onto something that is not real for us.

Searching Within is the Use of Imagination

When we search within ourselves looking for the ego or reasons behind the ego or within the ego we are using imagination.

When we use imagination we stay within the parameters of reality and reason. Fantasy goes outside of these parameters.

Most Dangerous Fantasies

The most dangerous fantasies are those that are based on our false self-image, our false identity and our false self-concept.

If we are really John McArthur for example, where were we before we were born? Were you John McArthur before you were born? No you are something different you are something universal and perennial. John McArthur is certainly not universal and perennial, when John MacArthur dies that is the end of John MacArthur but something else lives on.

Self-Concept and Self-Image

Self-concept, self-image. are a self-photo a selfie, that we create. Every ego we have is actually an identity.

Top Point Right Here

Self-concept is also quite dangerous too! It is used to communicate with life, it is like a mask. That we actually also create. We nearly do everything in life through this concept. It is something that is a relatively true and relatively false concept of ourselves.

Our identity changes. Self-concept is a perception of ourselves.

Our identity changes through life. So then which or what is our true identity.

We have to in our work change our perception that we have of ourselves. We can not progress in the work on ourselves otherwise.

We have to change our perception to our real nature as an essence and not as a personality. If we see ourselves as a person, a personality, we will end having no other remedy than to see ourselves as a bunch of interests that we have to pursue and defend.

End (1268).

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