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Wednesday 23 November 2016

How Does the Deconditioning of the Values of Our Being Work? – (1308)

There Shine Our Values

There shine the values of our Being and duality and relativity come along and condition these values, making them to function in a very different way which produces very different results in us and around us.

This conditioning is basically the conditioning of polarity. Meaning the value has become polarised. To polarise something duality is needed and relativity is also needed. Duality creates two polarities and relativity identifies them, that is which polarity is bad and which is good.

Remove the Conditioning

To remove the conditioning, we just need to reverse the polarity that the value has taken inside the ego.

It is like a matter of flipping it around or turning it around, or turning it inside out to restore the value back to its original condition.

To do this the recognition of the reference point being used is very important. We have to relocate the reference point usually within ourselves and when we do that we flip or repolarise the value.

It is quite elastic sometimes, it is just a change in reference point, sometimes it is just a total repolarisation.

End (1308).

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