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Tuesday 22 November 2016

Whatever You Do Don’t Buy this Theory of Dissolving the Ego (Overfeeding Explosion) – (1307)


As strange and funny as this theory seems, we actually believe a little in it, and even live it out hoping that it will work. Mainly because there is a little bit of partial truth in it, but to bite this theory ‘hook line and sinker’ is a huge error. The ego is certainly not dissolved this way. Read on to see why…

The Theory

The erroneous theory is that we can dissolve the ego by feeding it and feeding it until it begins to get quite big, fat and strong, then keep feeding it until it explodes like a balloon.

In Practice – Doesn’t Work

In practice, in reality this doesn’t work. The ego with the food that it wants does get bigger and stronger, and when we do feed it more there comes a point when our system - our instinctive centre and the other centres get saturated and can’t stand the food of this ego anymore and so the body overrides the desire provoked by the ego.

To think then that the subsided desire means that the ego is dying is a huge mistake, because after the body recovers that ego returns with a huge force that squashes us.

The ego has to return according to the law. Which law? The law of return. Besides only the consciousness in us and the Divine Mother can dissolve the ego, and we don’t get conscious comprehension by feeding something, we get it by not feeding it and observing its protests.

Absurd Logic of the Abyss

The logic in this theory actually belongs to the abyss. Why? Because that is what they do down there. They just feed and feed the ego hoping for dissolution to arrive. Comprehension they hope will arrive, but it never does, maybe some bits and pieces do but never ever total comprehension. Meanwhile the constant feeding is going on, nature just dissolves the ego they are trying to feed and feed. Master Samael said that once when he was in involution in the very very remote ancient past, he fornicated and fornicated while involving through the animal, vegetable and mineral states and then when all his vitality was extinguished like a candle being blown out, he was free and began to evolve.

End (1307).

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