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Saturday 19 November 2016

Let's See By Example How the Essence is Conditioned - (1294)


Back again to the matter of how our essence gets conditioned by duality and relativity. Oh no you say - boring! I know, but I'm going to give examples this time, no more philosophy. 👀

You know, one thing about this is, that by knowing how the essence is conditioned we actually educate our free essence and the trapped essence about how that value or function of the essence is actually exercised correctly. By 'correctly' we mean consciously and in a way that is not karmic. 

Anger 😡

Let's take our mate anger as our first customer. We know that anger contains the parts of our essence that manage force or carry out the function of managing the force inherent in our essence. The egos of anger that we have make bad use of our force, and subdue the parts of our Being that have to do with sweetness, tranquility etc.


Remember duality and relativity condition the value, and in the case of anger the value is force. Duality acts on force and produces the two, that is 'no use' or 'use'. However, we always know that anger never comes alone, it always always is invoked by another factor. It is invoked as a solution provider, a problem solver or a break through maker to help fulfil or protect a certain desire brought up by another ego. 

The duality to do with force actually has many versions. One version is that it is used, and a person raises their force, acts  aggressively or it is not used and the person says and does nothing. Another version is that force is used, either outwardly or inwardly. Another version still is that force is used positively or negatively. Out of all of these versions the one that anger obeys is the positive or negative use of force. In each ego the value is always used, and the conditioning of duality is really about how it is used. So with anger, force is used on the destructive side both outwardly and inwardly.  


With relativity we have a reference point. And with every ego the reference point is not us nor is it inside of ourselves nor is it in our Being, it is actually outside of ourselves. Relativity causes us to perceive and process events and impressions and even think from a certain view point. The effect of relativity is produce a reference point.

Back to anger, the value of force is conditioned by duality and relativity to become force used on one side of duality and according to a reference point. We know the one side of duality that anger is polarised with is destructive use of force and the reference point that is used against the other person. A situation may be harming us yes and we have our reference point in others we go against others. If we did not have the reference point of others in anger we would not go against anyone, we would have force but no where for it to go, and if it has no where for it to go it subsides by itself. 


The result of this conditioning of duality and relativity on our force is that our force is used destructively to solve problems by going against others. This is because the reference point is other people harming us.

That is magical trigger point or reference point of the ego of anger is where we perceive that another is harming us, whether it be physically, where it be taking our time, whether it be making us to pay more money, whether it be delaying us, whether it be constant disagreement etc.

The result of relativity conditioning our force means that we don;t relate to well to our own force we tend to see it as a physical problem solver, rather than an internal force that we can channel or use to solve the problem within ourselves or outside ourselves in a constructive manner. For example, a good way of channelling force is to direct our force into our intelligence.

Pride 😏

Let's take another huge customer and that is pride. The values at the core of pride are principally dignity and balance. Pride is the result of these values being conditioned by duality and relativity. 

When someone does not say hello to us we can feel that an attempt has been made against our dignity. That somehow our dignity has been lowered. 


With dignity the two sides of dignity are again to do with the way it is honoured. It is either honoured or not honoured or respected, so we have honouring or dishonouring.

The same thing applies with balance or justice, there is mercy and rigour as the two sides of the value of balance or justice. 


Once again with relativity we have the issue of the reference point. The reference point is in others, that is whether others respect or disrespect our dignity. When others honour our dignity we feel our dignity respected and when other do not honour it we feel it lowered. Because our reference point to feel dignity about ourselves is in others it becomes an absolute when others do not honour our dignity and we have no other option but to suffer. However, the real question is, has our dignity really suffered? If our reference point inside of ourselves we know that it has not been lowered or affected.

When the sense of balance has been conditioned by relativity what happens is that the reference point for coming to balance is outside of ourselves and in others. Having the reference point in others makes us to see that we are below or above others and so we exercise any attempt made on our dignity by bringing the other down, by making the other pay or by making the other suffer etc. Thus making ourselves who have a lowered position to been compensated for that. Even that action of compensation (revenge) carried out is conditioned by duality where we give out mathematically exactly the same value, just like a mirror reflection.


In this post I have only covered anger and pride. In the coming posts I will tackle the other egos and some other manifestations of the egos that are conditioned by duality and relativity but they are conditioned in different ways. 

End (1294)

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