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Saturday 19 November 2016

How Imagination Helps in the Fight Against the "I's" - (1293)


A well developed imagination put to use in the opposite direction of the ego can help us immensely in the very moments that the various egos that we have bother or attack us. This post is about giving some indications of how we can use our imagination to help us in the fight against the various "I's".


If you find one of the egos of lust trying to fascinate you with the body of someone or it is already in your human machine and it grasping onto what it is seeing or thinking about the body of another person, then use your imagination to see the very constituents of the body, lust is focussing on.

See the form, then the skin and what lies below the skin, and there we will see a layer of fat, muscles, tendons, arteries, blood, organs etc. All of the latter are pretty scary and are most definitely a reality. Then our imagination makes us to understand and feel a little silly because we are fascinated with things that are unpleasant and scary. Imagination used this way can certainly bring us to reality and neutralise the fascination that lust clouds our consciousness with.


Fear in many cases is a lack of imagination, because fear sees no hope and no positive outcome, nor does it see a solution. But with the help of imagination we can see a solution and how a positive outcome can be reached. Using our imagination we can see the positive outcome and how we can achieve it and we can focus on it using imagination and magnetise ourselves with it and that way make it more and more likely that this positive outcome will become a reality. Imagination combines marvellously with hope and hope is a very powerful factor to use against fear. When dealing with fear don't forget about hope, the hope that you will dissolve fear can actually displace fear.


To imagine the consequences of our insults, distant attitudes, resentments, harsh words, reprimands, combative stands, rebellious attitudes, protests etc. can be very helpful. Because there imagination can help us to understand that we are wrong because what is wrong yields a wrong result and then we can contrast and chose whether we want the ensuing separation or not. Separation and division is pretty awful and does not bring fruit to anything, it rather becomes a point of fear and resentment.


If we try to use our imagination, which is a conscious faculty in the moments that the ego bothers us in the opposite way that the ego is thinking we will discover for ourselves how we can make use of imagination as a weapon to help us in the fight against the ego. It is a very powerful tool to displace or neutralise the ego.

Experiment and you will add by yourself and for yourself new tools in the bag of weapons against the egos. Doing practices of imagining common every day objects will help to develop the power of your imagination and that will help you with focus and concentration as well.

End (1293).

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