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Monday 7 November 2016

Look at Each Master or Initiate Individually - (1261)


With this post I am walking a very fine line. I certainly don’t want to knock in any way any initiate or master. To do that is always a bad sign.

If you see that, be weary! No neophyte of the white lodge, no chela, no aspirant to the white lodge or master of the white lodge would knock another one!

Master Samael never did it, he called every initiate or master, a great initiate, a great master.

What I want to do is address a very common conundrum, that I have heard many people expressing and this conundrum is this: “They are masters yet they said or did this and that, or they don’t know this or that or they can’t do this or that, how are they masters then? I don’t get it”.

The Key is in Our Concepts, Ideals, Patterns and Mental Schemes of the Path

The reason why people think and say such things is because they have concepts of how someone on the path should behave, what they should know, what they should possess, how they should ‘be’ etc. etc.

Most of the time these concepts are satisfied but sometimes not and there lies the problem. Master Samael says that our concepts can not guarantee that reality will conform with them.

What are your concepts of how someone on the path should be? This is good for ourselves to know, it is good to air all of them to ourselves and see how real or realistic they really are!

Case by Case

The path of each master or initiate follows certain principles yet they all walk it differently. When we meet a master or initiate it serves us well to have this in mind so as not to get confused.

Each path is different and so there are different urgencies and different priorities and different karmas involved. One may be impeccable in a certain area while another one does not look that impeccable in that same area, but you never know, in different areas he or she may be outstanding.

Even the things that we think are important may not have any importance to the path at all. The values, laws and principles of the path are very different to the values, laws and principles of life.

The level of mystical death in each case is different, It is particular and depends on the particular urgencies and priorities of mystical death present in the path of the person.

Initiates and Masters (until the years of Job) have egos still and they are working on them. So sometimes those egos may be seen by others to manifest themselves. It just depends on the manifestation; such a manifestation may set them back slightly, quite a lot, or not at all. We don’t really know, only they do. So we have to leave the issue and judgement to them. Rest assured though, in time it will be gone, and that is the difference between a Gnostic student and an initiate or master. The Gnostic student can stay as they are for years but no initiate or master can, they must move and progress that is a law of the path, that is different tot eh laws of life. Here you have an interesting pointer.

But for sure no master or initiate is losing the sexual energy, committing adultery, stealing, lying or indulging any of the big egos.

Consciousness is Outside of the Bottles of Good and Evil

Masters and initiates have more consciousness and a property of the consciousness is that it is above good and evil, it is not bottled in either side. So it can generate an action that may certainly appear ‘bad’ but turns out to produce a ‘good’ result. This good result may be for them, or the other, or both.

Sometimes things look like they are the ego but they are not, they can be from the consciousness, that is from what is fair and balanced, but initially their words or actions do not seem fair or appropriate. We just have to wait. The masters and initiates are not perfect so they can get it wrong at times. The Being is the one that is perfect.


If we take each case as an individual case, they are not all the same as Master Samael,  and take them outside of our concepts, patterns and mental schemes of the path we will see them without disappointment and confusion.

An awakened person acts outside of the parameters of our mind, concepts and personality and so we have to expect at times things from them to clash or shock with our egos, mind, concepts, manners, education, patterns and rules.

Also don’t be silly and think everyone is an initiate or master. Obviously if the person is doing something esoterically wrong, isn’t changing in the ego, is obviously out of control and the background (time practicing the Alchemy, tests, ethics, behaviour) of the person does not add up according to the principles of the path then be weary, careful and prudent maybe there is something not right there!

End (1261).

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