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Monday 7 November 2016

When Worried about Other’s Reactions - (1262)


This was good, one day we were doing a local retreat and I was not so happy inside, sort of worried and protesting about some treatment that I had received earlier. Then my marvellous missionary began to lead a practice and he said something like “put all those worries about the subjective reactions of people out of your mind and focus…”.

I don’t know if it was for me or not, doesn’t matter, it was top stuff!

It made me realise that all these worries are about the subjective perceptions of people, in other words the things of their egos.

Subjective Things Change

Subjective things change all the time and are not really so true. We should, if we are going to get worried, be worried about objective things, because they are true and they mean something quite relevant to us.

Their egos will go away and come again non-stop until they decide to change, whenever that is that they decide. This will happen (i.e. not change) even if they have been working on themselves for a long time.

It is after all the feelings of their egos, and the feelings of their egos are not their real and true feelings, even if they treat you with that ego most of the time. Underneath that treatment is their real feeling. 

This we can’t do much about really, we just have to wait until they decide to change. On the other hand we don’t really want to please (do the correct thing but not overboard to please that ego) that ego that gives out bad treatment, because this will make that ego stronger and that will come back to bite us even harder, through them hitting us harder with that ego or ourselves feeling stupid for having gone out of our way to please and then getting ‘a good one’ in return.

What do you reckon?

End (1262).

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