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Monday 14 November 2016

Mental Violence Where Does it Come From? - (1277)


I have asked myself this question so many times: “Where does mental violence come from?”.

Where do all those harsh views, tough words, combative approaches, cruel arguments, ill-will, swear words, all come from? All these things rage in our mind plus the images of physical violence.

I have asked myself so many times: “why not react to the anger of others with intelligence, why with mental violence?”, “Why not by looking for a solution, why not with optimism?”.

The scary thing is that mental violence is one step away from physical words and physical action. How can physical harsh words and actions come out of us if we react in our mind by looking for a solution, engaging our intelligence? It can’t can it?

Origin of Mental Violence

Some of this mental violence comes from impressions that we have received from movies, books, people etc. To reduce mental violence, one decisive step is to cut out the intake of these violent impressions.

The core of it comes from injustice. Violence is always a reaction to injustice. It is a vehicle or instrument of compensation.

Have a look inside you when you next notice some mental violence going on. Is the force of some kind of compensation driving it?

Two Issues, the Driver and the Car

You know we have two issues here. One is the driver and one is the car. The driver is compensation and the car is mental violence. If we have not driver the car does not roll, i.e. no need for compensation or no perception of injustice we don’t cause the machinery of mental violence to enter into operation. Though as long as we have the car, some kind of driver can jump in drive it. So we have to do both, dissolve the driver and dissolve the car.


We can dissolve the driver in the moment, but dissolving the car has to be done with the big help of the Divine Mother. We have to jump on that, we have scary things in our mind.

Really we can focus on each mental action, words and ask for the dissolution of that, all the meanwhile understanding that each violent action, word is in place in our mind for the purpose of seeking compensation.

End (1277).

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