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Monday 14 November 2016

Why Feed the Ego When it Will Get Hungry Again – Better to Dissolve it! - (1276)


We can’t let ourselves be fooled by the ego into thinking that if we feed it, things will get better.

We know that they won’t, they will seem to have improved, but then the ego will get hungry again. This can become a cycle that we can easily get trapped into.

Vicious Cycle

What keeps us in the cycle is that we don’t get tired of it and we don’t realise that we are constantly being deceived by ourselves. We feel happy about pleasing the ego and we forget that this is only short lived and what is to follow is a miserable time which lasts for most of the cycle. For 90% of the cycle the ego feels miserable and for the other 10% the ego feels fine.

It is always better to break the cycle and free oneself.

There does not seem to be any point in feeding the ego, it is better to dissolve it! As the ego becomes more liquid, its hunger diminishes and so does the cycle.

End (1276).

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