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Monday 21 November 2016

Reference Point of Vanity – (1301)

Vanity About Self-Image

Vanity is all about self-image. We all have a certain image or picture of ourselves and that is in other words our self-image.

Vanity is the ego that looks to care for, protect, improve and feed/validate that self-image. However, that self-image that vanity cares for etc. is our external self-image. That is how we appear to others, how others see our body, the way we move, the way we speak, our intellectual capacity, our personality etc.

We look to feed that self-image through relativity, by impressing others, checking that others are impressed with us or that others are thinking highly of us.

Value is Self-Image, a Real Self-Image Exists

The value at the centre of the issue of vanity is self-image. Master Samael says that we really do have a real self-image and he says that it is the identity of the Being.

With vanity we are very worried what others think and vanity is pleased as long as others are thinking highly of us.

This is because we derive our self-image through the reactions of others. Or actually better said we validate our self-image through the reactions of others.

Vanity Deconditioned

The real self-image by duality is the internal one, we arrive at this because it is the opposite of the external one and undoing relativity we would say that the reference point instead of being others becomes ourselves or our Real Being.

So with the unconditioned reference point we behave totally differently, we act being concerned or worried about how well we stand before our inner Being. How well are doing before our Father-Mother.

End (1301).

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