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Tuesday 22 November 2016

We Take Things as Absolute but they are Really Relative – (1302)


This is something that we do all the time and it is actually quite a costly mistake of our own mind.
That is why the question: “Is it absolutely true?” is so useful. When we feel affected we must straight off the bat ask ourselves this question.

As Absolute

When we take something as absolute there is no escape or no other option. When we take something as absolute truth much suffering results and even drastic action can be taken.

Many have committed suicide because they took a relationship break up or defeat or criticism as something absolute. When we take rejection as absolute we suffer tremendously.

When something is taken as absolute we actually become that in the deep levels of our mind. That then pervades our won system and then when we see we are that thing we have no other recourse. It is the end of the world.

When we take something as absolute we make a big mistake because only the Being in us can occupy that place of Absolute. The Being is all of us, to the very last atoms in our last cell. No identity imposed upon us by our own mind from the impressions of others can replace the Being or substitute the real living Being in us can it?

As Relative

We get absolute and relative all mixed up inside of us. When are seeing ourselves relative to others we tend to take their reactions towards us as something absolute and because of that, the ego’s reactions are very intense.

When we receive criticism we must see that there are others who disagree with that criticism and there are others who agree. It is all relative. What they say is all relative to their likes and dislikes. So all criticism is only relative right.

When we understand that something is relative there is freedom to move and freedom to overcome the difficulty.


That is the big reason why we feel that we need something, because we take it as an absolute value. That is also why we resist undoing the conditioning of duality and relativity because we see as absolute what is relative. We believe in our subconscious that we that what is relative is actually absolute. For example, the opinions of others can make us do crazy things but after all they are relative. Relative because not everyone will have the same opinion and relative because we generate our feelings of well or ill-being relative to their opinions which is a huge mistake because the right place from where we should generate our feelings of well-being from are from within ourselves. Otherwise we will always be slaves. To generate from within is always freedom and autonomy.

End (1302).

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